Tuesday 2 July 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Tonsillitis

The tonsils are the two masses of tissue on either side of the back of the throat. Normal tonsils are usually about the same size and have the same pink color as the surrounding area. On their surfaces are little depressions, called crypts, which may appear deep and contain pus pockets or stones. The tonsils are composed of tissues that are similar to the lymph nodes or glands found in the neck or other parts of the human body.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the Tonsils, which results in a sore throat. Tonsillitis can be caused by either viruses or bacteria. Most cases of tonsillitis go away without antibiotic medication.

Person or babies may

  • Find that it hurts to swallow. If the pain is intense, the child may stop swallowing saliva and start to drool
  • Complain of an earache
  • Have a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • Complain of a headache
  • Complain of a stomachache (this is quite common).
  • Complain of general aches and pains, loss of appetite and may vomit
  • Have bad smelling breath
Because the tonsils are swollen and enlarged, the child may have trouble speaking and may even experience difficulty breathing

What Does Tonsillitis Look Like ?

When tonsils are infected, they will look redder than usual and swollen
  • A grayish-white or yellowish coating may cover part or all of the tonsils
  • The surrounding area of the throat near the tonsils also may appear red and inflamed. There may be swelling at the sides of the neck as the lymph nodes grow larger while producing cells to fight the infection
  • Only about 30% of tonsillitis in children is caused by strep throat
  • Only 10% of tonsillitis in adults is caused by strep throat

Tonsillitis Causes

In modern terms, tonsillitis is caused by microorganisms, but this statement is often denied by some group of people like homeopaths, immunologists, etc., who argue that it is mainly due to weak defence system. Whether viral or bacterial, tonsillitis is transmitted most commonly from one person to another by social contact such as droplets in the air from sneezing. Most of the time, tonsillitis is caused by a viral infection.

Bacterial tonsillitis can be caused by Streptococcus-the organism that causes strep throat. If left untreated, strep throat may lead to a more serious condition called rheumatic fever, which can affect the heart several years later.

Streptococcus (commonly referred to as "strep") bacteria (the most common cause of tonsillitis)

  • Adenoviruses
  • Influenza virus
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Parainfluenza viruses
  • Enteroviruses
  • Herpes simplex virus

Tonsillitis Symptoms

  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty feeding (in babies)
  • Pain with swallowing
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Runny nose
  • Redness of the tonsils and throat
  • Tenderness in the glands of the neck (swollen lymph glands)
  • White patches on the tonsils
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Rash
  • Ear pain (nerves that go to the back of the throat also go to the ear)

Is Tonsillitis Ever Serious?

Tonsillitis can occasionally become serious. For example, infection may spread beyond the tonsil to form an abscess, which is a localized collection of pus
  • An abscess that forms around an inflamed tonsil is known as a peritonsillar abscess or quinsy. This almost always develops on one side only and usually in adults rather than children
  • Another type of abscess, one that develops mainly in young children, is a retropharyngeal (behind the throat) abscess. This usually causes high fever and great difficulty in swallowing. If detected very early, peritonsillar or retropharyngeal abscesses can sometimes be treated successfully with antibiotics. In most cases, however, surgery is required to drain the abscess

Other Possible Complications

  • The most serious complication of tonsillitis is rheumatic fever, which often is accompanied by rheumatic heart disease. Rheumatic fever develops only if the tonsillitis is due to a type of bacterium known as group A beta hemolytic streptococcus. It also usually occurs only in children who have had repeated infections that have not been adequately treated with antibiotics
  • Another complication of streptococcal tonsillitis is a type of kidney disease known as acute glomerulonephritis. However, whether glomerulonephritis can be prevented by early antibiotic treatment of streptococcal tonsillitis is not clear
  • A common complication of tonsillitis is infection of the lymph nodes in the neck, known as cervical adenitis. This type of infection can usually be successfully treated with antibiotics. Occasionally the infection progresses, an abscess forms, and surgery is required to drain it
  • Other possible complications of tonsillitis include middle-ear infections (otitis media) and sinus infections. More often, however, these infections develop at the same time as, or independently of, tonsillitis

Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis

Homeopathy is highly recommended for treating Tonsillitis. If you are looking for more information about our treatment, please click here 

Prevention & Precuations

  • Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of the virus or bacteria that cause tonsillitis
  • Avoid prolonged contact with people with strep throat until 24 hours after antibiotics are started

Friday 31 May 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Acne

Acne or Pimples is a skin condition characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red pimples or "zits."

Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but may also occur on the trunk, arms, legs, and buttocks. It is one of the most common skin conditions. Although acne is not a serious threat to the health, yet it can lead to scarring and disfigurement of the face that can have a significant impact on the patient.

Acne is most common in teenagers, but it can happen at any age, even as an infant. Three out of four teenagers have acne to some extent, probably caused by hormonal changes that stimulate oil production. However, people in their 30s and 40s may also have acne.


Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by
  • Hormonal changes related to menstrual periods, pregnancy, birth control pills, or stress
  • Greasy or oily cosmetic and hair products
  • Certain drugs (such as steroids, testosterone, estrogen, and phenytoin)
  • High levels of humidity and sweating
Despite the popular belief that chocolate, nuts, and other foods cause acne, this does not seem to be true


  • Blackheads
  • Crusting of skin eruptions
  • Cysts
  • Inflammation around the skin eruptions
  • Pustules
  • Redness around the skin eruptions
  • Scarring of the skin
  • Whiteheads


Following are the commonly recognized types of Acne
  • Acne vulgaris
  • Acne rosacea
  • Acne fulminans
  • Acne medicamentosa
  • Acne keloidalis nuchae

Possible complications includeComplications

  • Changes in skin color
  • Cysts
  • Damage to self-esteem, confidence, personality, and social life
  • Permanent facial scars
  • Side effects of Accutane (including very dry skin and mucous membranes, high triglyceride levels, liver damage, and birth defects in an unborn baby; call your doctor right away if you become pregnant while taking this drug)
  • Side effects of other medications


Please take the following self-care steps to lessen the effects of acne
  • Clean your skin gently with a mild, non-drying soap with high TFM %. Remove all dirt or make-up. Wash once or twice a day, including after exercising. However, avoid excessive or repeated skin washing
  • Shampoo your hair daily, especially if it's oily. Comb or pull your hair back to keep the hair out of your face. Avoid tight headbands
  • Try not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or rub the pimples. Although it might be tempting to do this, it can lead to scarring and skin infections
  • Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams. Look for water-based or "non-comedogenic" formulas. Take make-up off at night
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands or fingers
  • Drink water as you much as you can in a Day
A small amount of sun exposure may improve acne

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment for Acne is strongly suggested. It helps in the following ways
  • Controls the tendency to have acne (often genetic, in severe cases)
  • Addresses underlying hormonal disturbance which gives one a proneness to have acne
  • Reduces excessive oiliness of skin
  • Reduces acne directly
  • Controls infection
  • Controls scar formation
  • Reduces hyperpignementation following acne
  • Controls tendency to scar formation following acne

Expectations (prognosis)

Acne usually subsides after adolescence, but may last into middle age. The condition generally responds well to treatment after a few weeks, but may flare up from time to time. Scarring may occur if severe acne is not treated. Some people, especially teenagers, can become significantly depressed if acne is not treated.
If you are looking for more information about our treatment, please click here 

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Migraine

A migraine headache is a form of vascular headache. Migraine headache is caused by a combination of vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the blood vessels. During a migraine attack, the temporal artery enlarges. (The temporal artery is an artery that lies on the outside of the skull just under the skin of the temple.) Enlargement of the temporal artery stretches the nerves that coil around the artery and cause the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the artery magnifies the pain.

Migraine headaches typically last from 4-72 hours and vary in frequency from daily to fewer than 1 per year. Migraine affects about 15% of the population. Three times as many women as men have migraines. More than 80% of people with migraines (called migraineurs) have other members in the family who have them too.

Migraine Causes, incidence

A lot of people get migraines -- about 12 out of 100. The headaches tend to first appear between the ages of 10 and 45. Occasionally, migraines may occur later in life in a person with no history of such headaches. Migraines occur more often in women than men, and may run in families. Women may have fewer migraines when they are pregnant. Most women with such headaches have fewer attacks during the last two trimesters of pregnancy.

A migraine is caused by abnormal brain activity, which is triggered by stress, certain foods, environmental factors, or something else. However, the exact chain of events remains unclear.
Scientists used to believe that migraines were due to changes in blood vessels within the brain. Today, most medical experts believe the attack actually begins in the brain itself, where it involves various nerve pathways and chemicals. The changes affect blood flow in the brain and surrounding tissues.

Migraine attacks may be triggered by

  • Alcohol
  • Allergic reactions
  • Bright lights
  • Certain odors or perfumes
  • Changes in hormone levels (which can occur during a woman's menstrual cycle or with the use of birth control pills)
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Exercise
  • Loud noises
  • Missed meals
  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Smoking or exposure to smoke

Certain foods and preservatives in foods may trigger migraines in some people. Food-related triggers may include
  • Any processed, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods
  • Baked goods
  • Chocolate
  • Dairy products
  • Foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Foods containing tyramine, which includes red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and certain beans
  • Fruits (avocado, banana, citrus fruit)
  • Meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats)
  • Nuts
  • Onions
  • Peanut butter
This list may not be all-inclusive.

True migraine headaches are not a result of a brain tumor or other serious medical problem. However, only an experienced health care provider can determine whether your symptoms are due to a migraine or another condition.

Migraine Headache Symptoms

Symptoms vary from person to person and from migraine to migraine. Five phases can often be identified
  • Prodrome: A variety of warnings can come before a migraine. These may consist of a change in mood (for example, feeling "high," irritable, or depressed) or a subtle change of sensation (for example, a funny taste or smell). Fatigue and muscle tension are also common
  • Aura: This is commonly a visual disturbance that precedes the headache phase. Some migraineurs develop blind spots (called scotomas); see geometric patterns or flashing, colorful lights; or lose vision on one side (hemianopsia).
  • Headache: Although migraine pain usually appears on one side of the head, 30-40% of migraines occur on both sides. Throbbing pain may be present. More than 80% of migraineurs feel nauseated, and some vomit. About 70% become sensitive to light (photophobia) and sound (phonophobia). This phase may last 4-72 hours
  • Headache termination: Even if untreated, the pain usually goes away with sleep
  • Postdrome: Other signs of the migraine (for example, inability to eat, problems with concentration, or fatigue) may linger after the pain has disappeared

Migraine and other similar headaches

Migraine headache should be differentiated from other similar painful conditions where the headache could be due to high blood pressure, sinusitis, Trigeminal neuralgia, temporal arteritis, tension headache, etc. A good clinician can help the patient arrive to a correct diagnosis


There is no specific cure for migraine headaches in conventional Medicines. The goal is to prevent symptoms by avoiding or changing your triggers.

A good way to identify triggers is to keep a headache diary. Write down
  • When your headaches occur
  • How severe they are
  • What you've eaten
  • How much sleep you had
  • Other symptoms
  • Other possible factors (women should note where they are in their menstrual cycle)
For example, the diary may reveal that your headaches tend to occur more often on days when you wake up earlier than usual. Changing your sleep schedule may result in fewer migraine attacks.

When you do get migraine symptoms, try to treat them right away. The headache may be less severe. When migraine symptoms begin
  • Drink water to avoid dehydration, especially if you have vomited
  • Rest in a quiet, darkened room
  • Place a cool cloth on your head

Homeopathy Treatment

Migraine has been believed to be an obstinate condition to treat. However, it is a common experience of the practitioners of homeopathic system of medicine that migraine is curable.

homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for Migraine. Drprajakta's homeopathy approach to the treatment of migraine patients is more individualistic. It means, we trust that migraine is a personality disorder and hence the treatment should be determined only on the basis of in-depth study of the patients' personality. This approach helps treating most cases of migraine successfully

homeopathy treatment is essentially safe and absolutely harmless, which may be taken along with any other medicine, if required.

Why Homeopathy for Migraine?

homeopathy discerns that the body has within it a controlling and defending force and power .it is only when this fighting power or resistance is disturbed, do we fall ill. The disease is thus not an affection of the parts but a disorder in the patient as a whole .Since one patient differs from another each requires a different medicine based on his individual and mental symptoms.

Homeopathic medicine stimulates the natural healing power of the body and the illness is driven outward and thrown off. homeopathy is well known for the treatment of chronic illness. But even acute cases show quick response without side effects.

If you are looking for more information about our treatment, please click here 

Monday 27 May 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Eczema

What is Eczema?

The word Eczema is taken from the Greek word “ekzein” which means “boil out” as Eczema mostly begins as tiny blisters or hives, as if the skin is bubbling or boiling out from inside.

Basically there is inflammation of the epidermal layer of the skin which develops into a skin rash. Also know as Dermatitis, Eczema or Dermatitis is very common, some sources are of the view that half the world population will have it at one time or another. It often develops as infantile or baby Eczema which frequently diminishes but may continue to adulthood.

Eczema is a general term for many types of skin inflammation, also known as dermatitis. The most common form of eczema is Atopic dermatitis (several people use these two terms interchangeably). However, there are many different forms & types of eczema.

Eczema affects people of any age, race, and creed although the condition is most common in infants. Eczema generally resolves permanently by the age of 3 yrs in about half of affected infants. In others, the condition tends to recur throughout life. People with eczema often have a family history of other allergic conditions, such as asthma or hay fever. Up to 30% of children and 4%-6% of adults are believed to have eczema. The most common trigger is after a vaccination, or due to some food allergy.

Who is affected by eczema ?

Eczema affects probably 15-25% of the world population and is becoming more common for reasons unknown. The frequency may vary throughout the world. Eczema is easily recognized by the dermatologist. Most commonly, eczema presents itself in the first six months of life, generally referred to as infantile Dermatitis. The condition can wax and wane over the years with frequent flare-ups. No specific tests are available to confirm the diagnosis. It has been found that the majority of cases have an increase in the serum Ig E level which is a sign of increased immunological activity.

What is the Causes of Eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but an abnormal function of the immune system is believed to be one of the main reasons. Few forms of eczema can be triggered by substances that come in contact with the skin in day to day life, such as soaps, cosmetics, clothing, detergents, jewelry, or sweat. Few substances in the environment can act like allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions, like pollens, fur, lead etc) may also cause outbreaks of eczema. Changes in environmental temperature or humidity, psychological stress is also considered as causing a flare up of eczema in few individuals.

Eczema Symptoms

Symptoms can be totally unique and individualized to the sufferer, affecting no two people the same way. These are the most common symptoms of Eczema, sometimes know as Contact Dermatitis.
  • Skin rashes, dry skin
  • Redness and inflammation and swelling
  • Itchy dry skin. Itching is always a common symptom. If its not itchy, then probability is its not Eczema
  • In Acute and severe form of Atopic Eczema there may be heat and temperature disturbances as the whole body becomes involved
  • Cracks on skin, scaly and flaking
  • Bleeding and weeping skin, with sticky or watery discharge
  • Burning with stinging pain
  • Feeling low and down can lead to depression in extreme cases, itching and irritation of skin causing behavioral problems in kids
  • Eczema blisters, these may occur in some forms of Eczema
  • Eczema scars can occur from perpetual scratching, leaving behind blackish or brownish hyper pigmented spots

Is Eczema contagious?

Eczema is not contagious; one cannot catch it from someone else. However, eczema can get infected. The lesion or rashes can get infected to bacterial infection due to breaks in the skin caused by continuous scratching; this condition becomes difficult to cure

Eczema Types ?

auroh homeopathy eczema - atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of Eczema, and sometimes people use the two terms interchangeably. Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease characterized by itchy, dry, inflamed skin. The body’s abnormal immune system is believed to be the cause of this type of eczema. The condition tends to wax and wane, depending upon exposures to triggers or causative factors. Atopic dermatitis, affects about 20% of infants and 5-6% of adults in the U.S. Approximately two-thirds of those who develop the condition are below 1 yr of age. When the disease starts in infancy, it is commonly termed infantile eczema. This type of eczema has a tendency to run in families, and people who develop the condition often have a family history of allergic conditions such as asthma or hay fever
auroh homeopathy eczema - contact eczema

Contact eczema

Contact eczema (contact dermatitis) is a local reaction caused by some allergen which comes into contact with the skin of the particular part. The rashes are marked by redness, itching, and burning. Other examples of contact eczema include reactions to laundry detergents, nickel (present in jewelry), cosmetics, fabrics, clothing, and perfume. Due to the varying number of substances with which individuals have contact, it can be difficult sometimes to determine the trigger for contact dermatitis. Often it is referred to as allergic contact eczema
auroh homeopathy eczema - seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic eczema

Seborrheic eczema or seborrheic dermatitis is a form of skin inflammation of unknown cause. The signs and symptoms of this type of eczema are yellowish, oily, scaly patches of skin on the scalp, face, and occasionally other parts of the body. The skin can peel of in scabs. Dandruff and "cradle cap" in infants are examples of seborrheic eczema. The common place for seborrheic eczema to inflame and cause rashes is the face at the creases of the cheeks and/or the nasal folds. Itching is generally mild or absent in this form of eczema. There can be a family history of similar condition with patients suffering from such kind of eczema.
auroh homeopathy eczema - nummular dermatitis

Nummular eczema

Nummular eczema or nummular dermatitis is characterized by coin-shaped, rounded patches of inflamed skin. The most commonly location is on the arms, back, buttocks, and lower legs—the lesions may be crusted, scaling, and extremely itchy. This form of eczema is not very common and occurs most frequently in elderly people. Nummular eczema is generally a chronic condition. A Personal or family histories of atopic dermatitis, asthma, or allergies have greater chances to encounter such condition
auroh homeopathy eczema - neuro dermatitis


Neurodermatitis, also known as lichen simplex chronicus, is a chronic skin inflammation caused by a scratch-itch cycle that is triggered with a localized itch (such as an insect bite) that becomes intensely irritated, and itchy when scratched. Women are common victims to these condition then men, and the condition is most frequently found in people aged 25-55. This form of eczema leads to scaly patches of skin on the head, lower legs, wrists, or forearms
auroh homeopathy eczema - stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis is a skin inflammation and irritation on the lower legs, generally caused due to the circulatory problem known as venous insufficiency, in which the function of the valves within the veins has been compromised. Stasis dermatitis occurs mostly in the middle-aged and elderly people, with roughly 6%-7% of the population over age 50 being affected by the condition. With advancing age the risk of acquiring stasis dermatitis increases. Symptoms include itching and/or reddish-brown discoloration of the skin on one or both the legs.
auroh homeopathy eczema - dyshidrotic eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema or dyshidrotic dermatitis is an inflammation and irritation of the skin on the palms of hands and soles of the feet marked by clear, deep blisters that itch and burn. The cause is unknown. Dyshidrotic eczema is also known as vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis, dyshidrosis, or pompholyx. Around 20-25 % of people get affected with this form of eczema, and its more common during the spring and summer months and in warmer climates. Males and females are equally affected, and the condition can occur in people of any age.

Eczema Treatment ?

The aim for the treatment of eczema is to prevent and reduce itching, inflammation, and to control worsening of the condition. Treatment of eczema may involve both lifestyle changes, like dietary restrictions, avoiding certain type of cloth, jewelry etc and the use of medications. Treatment is usually based upon an individual's age, overall health status, and the type and severity of the condition

Drprajakta's Homoeopathic treatment for Eczema

With our treatment, we emphasizes that Eczema is not an external but an internal malady, arising out of faulty immune system with genetic predispositions. Needless to say the disease is deep seated and calls for well planned deep acting medicines. Conventional treatment with steroid or other topical applications can suppress (that is what they call ‘manage’) the symptoms of the disease but cannot cure the disease. In the other words, it is homoeopathy that has potential to stimulate body’s natural healing capacity and to restore the disturbed immune system

Homeopathy treatment for Eczema

Homeopathy eczema treatment has been found to be extremely effective. Team of Drprajata's have worked with sevaral Eczema patients for their complete satisfactory treatment. Our well researched medications have changed the treatment protocol totally. In homeopathy we use natural remedies to cure eczema with out any side effects.

How does homeopathic eczema work ?

  • It stimulates body’s own healing process
  • It works at root level and restores deviated immunity back to normalcy
  • It works by addressing the genetic tendencies
  • homeopathy uses natural medicinal substances in ultra-minute quantity rendering a treatment that is extremely effective yet absolutely free from any side-effects whatsoever
In homeopathy, eczema has been considered, understood and treated as an external manifestation of an internal disorder. In other words, eczema is a result of a reactive process of the skin, which may be caused by external or internal factors. Eczema is more of an end result and not a disease by itself. The characteristic reaction shows up at the level of skin in the form of eczematous rash. Any attempt to treat eczema with local application of creams or ointments on the skin, assuming that it is a skin-deep disease, may prove ineffective in the long run. Eczema needs to be tackled at a deeper level in order to treat it from the roots. This is best done with the homeopathic treatment

How much time does it take to cure eczema ?

Eczema is an obstinate and chronic disease. There is no shortcut to its cure.
The length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors
  • Duration of Eczema
  • Areas affected
  • Extent of spread ,Previous medication (Extensive use or oral cortisone may delay the course of treatment)
  • General health and associated diseases
Most patients observe positive results in about 5 to 7 weeks
If you are looking for more information about our treatment, please click here 

Friday 24 May 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial tubes (airways) that causes swelling and narrowing (constriction) of the airways. The result is difficulty breathing. The bronchial narrowing is usually either totally or at least partially reversible with treatments
auroh homeopathy asthma - normal and asthmatic bronchiole


Asthma is now the most common chronic illness in children, affecting one in every 15. In North America, 5% of adults are also afflicted. In all, there are about 1 million Canadians and 15 million Americans who suffer from this disease.
The number of new cases and the yearly rate of hospitalization for asthma have increased about 30% over the past 20 years. Even with advances in treatment, asthma deaths among young people have more that doubled.

How asthma affects breathing?

Asthma causes a narrowing of the breathing airways, which interferes with the normal movement of air in and out of the lungs. Asthma involves only the bronchial tubes and does not affect the air sacs or the lung tissue. The narrowing that occurs in asthma is caused by three major factors: inflammation, bronchospasm, and hyperreactivity.


The first and most important factor causing narrowing of the bronchial tubes is inflammation. The bronchial tubes become red, irritated, and swollen. This inflammation increases the thickness of the wall of the bronchial tubes and thus results in a smaller passageway for air to flow through. The inflammation occurs in response to an allergen or irritant and results from the action of chemical mediators (histamines,leukotrines and others). The inflamed tissues produce an excess amount of "sticky" mucus into the tubes. The mucus can clump together and form "plugs" that can clog the smaller airways. Specialized allergy and inflammation cells (eosinophils and white blood cells), which accumulate at the site, cause tissue damage. These damaged cells are shed into the airways, thereby contributing to the narrowing.


The muscles around the bronchial tubes tighten during an attack of asthma. This muscle constriction of the airways is called bronchospasm. Bronchospasm causes the airway to narrow further. Chemical mediators and nerves in the bronchial tubes cause the muscles to constrict. Bronchospasm can occur in all humans and can be brought on by inhaling cold or dry air.

Hyperreactivity (hypersensitivity)

In patients with asthma, the chronically inflamed and constricted airways become highly sensitive, or reactive, to triggers such as allergens, irritants, and infections. Exposure to these triggers may result in progressively more inflammation and narrowing.
The combination of these three factors results in difficulty with breathing out, or exhaling. As a result, the air needs to be forcefully exhaled to overcome the narrowing, thereby causing the typical "wheezing" sound. People with asthma also frequently "cough" in an attempt to expel the thick mucus plugs. Reducing the flow of air may result in less oxygen passing into the bloodstream, and if very severe, carbon dioxide may dangerously accumulate in the blood.

Typical symptoms and signs of asthma

The symptoms of asthma vary from person to person and in any individual from time to time. It is important to remember that many of these symptoms can be subtle and similar to those seen in other conditions. All of the symptoms mentioned below can be present in other respiratory, and sometimes, in heart conditions. This potential confusion makes identifying the settings in which the symptoms occur and diagnostic testing very important in recognizing this disorder.
The following are the four major recognized asthma symptoms:
  • Shortness of breath, especially with exertion or at night
  • Wheezing is a whistling or hissing sound when breathing out
  • Coughing may be chronic, is usually worse at night and early morning, and may occur after exercise or when exposed to cold, dry air
  • Chest tightness may occur with or without the above symptoms

Asthma fact

Asthma is classified according to the frequency and severity of symptoms, or "attacks," and the results of pulmonary (lung) function tests.
  • 30% of affected patients have mild, intermittent (less than two episodes a week) symptoms of asthma with normal breathing tests
  • 30% have mild, persistent (two or mores episodes a week) symptoms of asthma with normal or abnormal breathing tests
  • 40% have moderate or severe, persistent (daily or continuous) symptoms of asthma with abnormal breathing tests.

Acute asthma attack

An acute, or sudden, asthma attack is usually caused by an exposure to allergens or an upper-respiratory-tract infection. The severity of the attack depends on how well your underlying asthma is being controlled (reflecting how well the airway inflammation is being controlled). An acute attack is potentially life-threatening because it may continue despite the use of your usual quick-relief medications (inhaled bronchodilators). Asthma that is unresponsive to treatment with an inhaler should prompt you to seek medical attention at the closest hospital emergency room or your asthma specialist office, depending on the circumstances and time of day. Asthma attacks do not stop on their own without treatment. If you ignore the early warning signs, you put yourself at risk of developing status asthmaticus.

Allergy fact

Prolonged attacks of asthma that do not respond to treatment with bronchodilators are a medical emergency. Physicians call these severe attacks "status asthmaticus," and they require immediate emergency care.
The symptoms of severe asthma are persistent coughing and the inability to speak full sentences or walk without shortness of breath. Your chest may feel closed, and your lips may have a bluish tint. In addition, you may feel agitation, confusion, or an inability to concentrate. You may hunch your shoulders, sit or stand up to breathe more easily, and strain your abdominal and neck muscles. These are signs of an impending respiratory system failure.


A detailed medical history and physical examination is done to assess the presence or severity of the following symptoms.
  • Recurrent respiratory infections
  • Allergic cough worse at night
  • Sudden onset of wheezing and shortness of breath when exposed to allergens
  • Your family history of asthma and allergies
  • Medicines you may have used to help your breathing
A physical examination of your respiratory system and a general examination is done to rule out other illness.
After medical history and examination pulmonary function test and other investigations may be included to complete the diagnosis.

Tests include

Pulmonary function test
  • Spirometry
  • Challenge test
  • Exhaled Nitric oxide test
  • Complete Blood count
  • Chest and Sinus X-rays
  • CT scan
  • GERD assessment test

Homeopathic Treatment

Asthma in adults is considered to be almost a life long suffering for most patients, if not all. The crucial issue is to manage it well, using milder medicines and achieving a relatively attack free phase for a long time.
Homeopathic alternative works wonders for Asthma. Patients who are on homeopathic medicines enjoy much better health than those who do not; as per the study.

Does Homeopathy work to cure Asthma?

Homeopathy treatment helps to cure asthma as follows
  • It reduces the frequency of asthma attacks
  • It reduces the severity of attacks
  • It enhances immunity whereby your tendency to get frequent cough, colds, throat infection, etc. reduces
  • It reduces the need for bronchodilator, cortisone, inhalers, antibiotics
  • It improves overall health
  • It is absolutely safe and can be taken with the conventional medicines

Duration of treatment for Asthma

The total length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors
  • Duration of Asthma
  • Severity and frequency of attacks
  • Environmental factors such as exposure to dust, allergens, industrial pollution, etc. Extent of spread (Small or large; one or multiple spots)
  • Previous and current medication (Extensive inhaled and oral cortisone)
  • Associated diseases eczema, pollen allergy, Ischemic heart disease, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, etc.
Patient may expect a definite change in about five to seven months. The total length of treatment varies from patient to patient.
If you are looking for more information about our treatment, please click here 

Thursday 23 May 2013

Homeopathy treatment for Depression

About Depression

If you've been diagnosed with depression, you may wonder why it had to happen to you. The fact is that anyone can get depression. The first step in fighting depression is to understand what it is, how it affects you, and what causes it. Depression is a chronic, long lasting or recurring and treatable disorder, where the patient experiences sadness, worthlessness, loss of motive, loss of interest and/or hopelessness.
A depressive disorder is an illness that involves the mood and thoughts and in simple words can be expressed as persistent sad mood. Depression is not a character flaw or a sign of personal weakness and the suffering person can’t make himself well by trying to snap out of it. Depression affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things

Depression Characteristics 

  • A depressive disorder is a syndrome (group of symptoms) that reflects a sad, blue mood exceeding normal sadness or grief
  • Depressive disorders are characterized not only by negative thoughts, moods, and behaviors but also by specific changes in bodily functions (for example, eating, sleeping, and sexual activity)
  • One in 10 people will have a depressive disorder in their lifetime, and in one of 10 cases, the depression is a fatal disease as a result of suicide
  • Some types of depression, especially bipolar depression, run in families
  • While there are many social, psychological, and environmental risk factors for developing depression, some are particularly prevalent in one gender or the other, or in particular age or ethnic groups
  • Depression is diagnosed only clinically in that there is no laboratory test or X-ray for depression. Therefore, it is crucial to see a health practitioner as soon as you notice symptoms of depression in yourself, your friends, or family
  • The first step in getting appropriate treatment is a complete physical and psychological evaluation to determine whether the person, in fact, has a depressive disorder
  • Depression is not a weakness but a serious illness with biological, psychological, and social aspects to its cause, symptoms, and treatment. A person cannot will it away. Untreated, it will worsen. Under treated, it will return
  • There are many safe and effective medications, particularly homeopathy, which can be of great help in depression
  • For full recovery from a mood disorder, regardless of whether there is a precipitating factor or it seems to come out of the blue, treatments with medications and/or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychotherapy are necessary

Depression Symptoms

Mental Depression
Physical Depression
Social Anxiety
Difficulty Sleeping
Loss of Interest In Previously Enjoyable Activity
Social Isolation
Suicidal Thoughts
Weight Gain
Social Withdrawal
Depressed Mood
Weight Loss
Problems at Work
Feeling Hopeless
Childhood Social Withdrawal
Withdrawn Behavior
Loss of Appetite
Loss of Capacity For Enjoyment
Decreased Libido
Increased Appetite
Excessive Sleep
Mood Swings
Unintentional Weight Loss
Change In Bowel Habit
Memory Impairment
Problem Behavior
Poor Self Esteem
Poor Hygiene
Outbursts of Anger
Flat Affect
Feeling Empty
Feeling of Anger
Threatening Suicide
Monotone Voice
Sudden Awakening
Planning Suicide
Neglected Appearance
Thoughts About Dying
Finding of Suicidal Intent

Depression Causes

Some of the more common factors involved in depression are
  • Family history. Genetics play an important part in depression. It can run in families for generations
  • Trauma and stress. Things like financial problems, the breakup of a relationship, or the death of a loved one can bring on depression. You can become depressed after changes in your life, like starting a new job, graduating from school, or getting married
  • Pessimistic personality. People who have low self-esteem and a negative outlook are at higher risk of becoming depressed. These traits may actually be caused by low-level depression
  • Physical conditions. Serious medical conditions like heart disease, cancer, and HIV can contribute to depression, partly because of the physical weakness and stress they bring on. Depression can make medical conditions worse, since it weakens the immune system and can make pain harder to bear. In some cases, depression can be caused by medications used to treat medical conditions
  • Other psychological disorders. Anxiety disorders, eating disorders,schizophrenia, and (especially) substance abuse often appear along with depression

Who Gets Depression ?

While depression can affect anyone, its effect may vary depending on your age and gender
  • Depression Women. Women are almost twice as likely to become depressed as men. The higher risk may be due partly to hormonal changes brought on by puberty, menstruation, menopause, and pregnancy
  • Depression Men. Although their risk for depression is lower, men are more likely to go undiagnosed and less likely to seek help. They may show the typical symptoms of depression, but are more likely to be angry and hostile or to mask their condition with alcohol or drug abuse. Suicide is an especially serious risk for men with depression, who are four times more likely than women to kill themselves
  • Depression Elderly. Older people may lose loved ones and have to adjust to living alone. They may become physically ill and unable to be as active as they once were. These changes can all contribute to depression. Loved ones may attribute the signs of depression to the normal results of aging, and many older people are reluctant to talk about their symptoms. As a result, older people may not receive treatment for their depression

Drprajakta's Advanced Homeopathic Depression Treatment

Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for all stages of Depression, especially in the early stages. Give it time. When you're depressed, it is easy to become hopeless and give up on treatments before they have had the chance to work. Depression can't be cured overnight and you need to follow your homeopathic treatment to the letter
homeopathy can positively influence personality traits that are working at the base of disease. The important aspect is that depression is a disease in which genetic make-up is topped with environmental stress result in disease. homeopathy medicines are very deep acting and having potential to counter genetic tendencies. homeopathy medicines address the root cause of the disease and hence prevent the relapse and recurrence of the condition. Last but not the least,homeopathy medicines are absolutely free from any side-effects as opposed to most of conventional medicines like anti-depressants and anxiolytics. The results achieved using from homeopathy can be augmented with supportive measures like counseling and psychotherapy
homeopathy is based on the principle that disease is a total affliction of body. Moreover homeopathy recognizes importance of the underlying causes such as genetic and inherited factors as the root of any ailment of the body. Drprajakta’s Advanced homeopathy is a new technique of Homeopathic treatment developed over a period of more than 5 years of research work covering clinical observations of several patients.