Friday 26 April 2013

Skin Pigmentation and Homeopathy

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation is asymptomatic, that is without any symptoms however it can lead to severe psychological and emotional stress. The most common causes of hyper-pigmentation are exposure to the sun and pregnancy. During pregnancy due to hormonal changes the production of melanin can increase and cause dark patches to appear on skin known as chloasma. Irregular brown patches appear on the forehead, nose and cheeks.

Homeopathy and Skin Pigmentation

Homeopathy does not advocate the use of creams and lotions in skin disorders. It believes that skin disorders are a reflection of within and should be treated accordingly. Another strong belief that homeopathic treatment promulgate is that any appearance on the skin should not be suppressed with creams and lotions rather it should be cured internally as suppressing it with creams and lotions will result in systemic changes.

Visiting a trained homeopathic practitioner will take care of not just the skin pigmentation but it will also improve the general health of the patient. Homeopathic medicines not just treat the hormonal imbalance that is caused due to skin pigmentation but also control the excessive production of melanin. The texture of the skin also improves. The occurrences of new patches reduce and ultimately stop. The skin reverts to its normal stage without leaving any blemishes.

Our Skin Pigmentation Treatment Methodology

Drprajakta's Homeo is a clinic that has treated several cases of hyper-pigmentation. Dr. Prajakta is an experienced homeopath who is well known for treating those cases which have been termed by other medical professionals as incurable, has successfully treated many patients of hyper-pigmentation. Our aim is to provide complete satisfactory cure to our patients without any side effects.


  1. Great post! These tips are very useful for maintaining skin. I will surely follow these tips.
    Thanks for sharing with site visitors.

    Homeopathy Clinic in Mohali

  2. Thanks Sachin for your compliments, will try to post more informational blogs on regular basis..Keep in touch with posts.
