Tuesday 30 April 2013

Take Precaution while taking Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is an alternative to strong medications that have chemicals. If you do not want to opt for allopathy, homeopathy is the best natural way to treat a health problem. Homeopathy can cure a simple infection or severe disease (sometimes much better than allopathy). However, homeopathy is a gradual remedy to treat health issues and anyone can prescribe to this natural medications. But, there are few precautions that you must keep in mind before taking homeopathic medicines.
Precautions before taking homeopathic medicines:

  • Do not keep the homeopathic medicines out in the open. Keep them in a cold place and always close the lid after taking out the pills or liquid.
  • Never put homeopathic medicines on your palm. Directly open the bottle and pop in the medicine (or use a dropper to take the liquid). Using hands can take off the spirit added to the medicine which is the most important ingredient of a homeopathic medicine.
  • Please always follow half an hour rule. If you want to take homeopathic medicines, keep this precaution in mind. You should not eat 30 minutes before and after taking the medicine.
  • Leave the addictions. This is one important precaution that you need to keep in mind. If you are following homeopathy, leave bad addictions like smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco or taking drugs.
  • Look at what you are eating. Homeopathy is all about the spirit that gradually cures the health problem. If you eat foods that have strong odour like garlic, ginger or raw onions, it can cut down the effect of the medicine. So, ask your homeopathic doctor on what to eat and what to avoid.
  • Possibly do not mix homeopathy with other medications. Allopathy and Ayurvedic medications should not mix up with homeopathy. If you are a heart patient or suffering from blood pressure, diabetes or epilepsy then consult your doctor before leaving any medication. Your doctor might advise you to take allopathic medicines with homeopathic ones. However, once you start accepting to the homeopathic treatment, your doctor can reduce the allopathic medication.
  • If you follow the half an hour rule strictly, you do not need to change your dietary supplements. Foods like garlic, ginger, onions and coffee can be consumed if you follow the strict rule of homeopathy.
  • According to many homeopathic doctors, you must not eat sour foods that has tamarind. Consult your doctor before opting for this medication. These are few precautions that you must follow if you are taking homeopathic medicines. Do you have more points to add to the list of precautions? Please click here to send us your query.

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