Friday 26 April 2013

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine developed by

That is the basic premise of homeopathy: “like cures like.”  It may seem hard to believe, yet the approach to vaccination used in Western medicine is a similar one, albeit one that is fraught with potential side effects, unlike homeopathy which is completely safe.

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic, approach to healing a person, using minute doses of specific remedies, rather than simply eliminating a particular symptom using a Band-Aid approach.  Unlike many health models, the model for homeopathy is one of individualization.  No two people are alike, so just because two people suffer from headaches, the homeopathic remedies provided for them may be completely different.

You can also understand about Homeopathy in following points...

Inner Power and Harmony
Homeopathy is a Medical science based on the well proven premise that the body has its own power to heal. A healthy body is like well oiled machinery where every part and organ of the body works in harmony. There is an amazing cohesive harmony among the body parts and organs.

Whenever there is some significant mental stress or shock and/or some physical affliction such as viral infection or some physical injury, this disrupts the harmony of the body and the instability and imbalance is expressed in the form of symptoms.
Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in the early 1800s.  He discovered that the same substance that could cause a reaction in a healthy person could also be a remedy for someone suffering from similar symptoms.

The Doctor within
We have a Doctor within ourselves; we all know that in case of indispositions or minute affections, these are very well taken care of by our body. For e.g. when we get a small cut on our finger, it bleeds, later it stops bleeding! The blood clots and we don't need any medical help for this small wound to heal. On the other hand, if the wound is very big, then it needs an external aid like some stitches or medications that help our body to heal. In the same way, a broken bone when set right, heals on its own without any medications. We have a doctor within ourselves which guides and heals our body during illness. In this context, we are aware of the fighting force of white blood corpuscles that guard our body against external afflictions.

Need of extra healing power
When the disrupting cause is stronger, the relative disturbance caused to the human system is significant and then body cannot manage to recover on its own and sickness surfaces in the form of sign and symptoms. Here, our body needs an external force which will aid the body mechanism to recover and homeopathy exactly does that; it strengthens the immune system (that guards our body) and helps the system to fight back the disease and recover faster.

Homeopathy is the only medical science that works on the principle that our body constantly makes effort to maintain and re-establish the internal stability. So when the body is in a state of sickness, Homeopathic medicines gently provide stimulation to the immune system of our body and help to fight the disease out of our body. This reversal to the healthy state is known as cure.

Going to the root of the trouble
Homeopathy treats you as an individual and not just your diseased parts independently. Unlike other medical sciences, homeopathy does not treat on the name of the disease but it looks for the cause, the root of the disease. When the cause is removed, the disease automatically gets cured.

Gentle cure with natural medicines
Homeopathy cures gently and permanently with natural medicines. All Homeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally occurring substances – plant kingdom, mineral kingdom and animal kingdom.

These medicines are well proven on healthy human beings; hence there are no chances of having any side effects. More then 3000 homeopathic medicines are in use and new homeopathic medicines are researched and proved regularly and no side effects have been reported till date. The reason being that the homeopathic prescription is based on law of minimum dose, the medicine prescribed is in the minimum dose enough to bring about cure.

Homeopathy is a science of tomorrow (future available today) where it corrects the internal derangement from the roots.

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