Wednesday 1 May 2013

Know about Classical Homeopathy

Classical homeopathy is a holistic yet scientific medical system founded by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago.

Like many physicians even today, Dr. Hahnemann anguished over the limitations and dangers of the medicine practiced in his time. He was determined to find more effective - and safer - ways to cure illness.

Dr. Hahnemann noticed that certain substances were toxic in high doses, causing discrete symptoms in healthy people. But when ill people took a very dilute form of the substance corresponding to their symptoms, they got well. This illustrates the Law of Similars, a Hippocratic principle that is also fundamental in homeopathy.

Classical homeopathy embodies a philosophy of deeply understanding people and their illnesses. This allows practitioners to perceive and address the core spiritual dynamic disturbance manifesting in the patient's mental, emotional, and physical symptom pattern.

Homeopaths also study the particular healing qualities of their medicines ("remedies"), which come mostly from natural substances. Unlike botanical and nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA as medicines.

People often confuse homeopathy with general alternative medicine, naturopathic medicine, botanical medicine, and even Bach flower essences. Though homeopathy does employ some plant-based medicines, and some naturopathic physicians are also excellent homeopaths, homeopathy stands on its own as a system of care.

Classical homeopaths prescribe one specially prepared ("potentized") remedy at a time, based on the patient's particular symptom pattern. Both this unique method of preparing medicines and the precise, individualized way of prescribing them are essential to classical homeopathy.

The Law of Minimum Dose -- using the minimum amount of medicine required to generate a healing response -- is another important homeopathic principle.

Used successfully by millions of people all over the world, classical homeopathy continues to evolve through research, practice and the discovery of new medicines.

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