Tuesday 30 April 2013

Take Precaution while taking Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathy is an alternative to strong medications that have chemicals. If you do not want to opt for allopathy, homeopathy is the best natural way to treat a health problem. Homeopathy can cure a simple infection or severe disease (sometimes much better than allopathy). However, homeopathy is a gradual remedy to treat health issues and anyone can prescribe to this natural medications. But, there are few precautions that you must keep in mind before taking homeopathic medicines.
Precautions before taking homeopathic medicines:

  • Do not keep the homeopathic medicines out in the open. Keep them in a cold place and always close the lid after taking out the pills or liquid.
  • Never put homeopathic medicines on your palm. Directly open the bottle and pop in the medicine (or use a dropper to take the liquid). Using hands can take off the spirit added to the medicine which is the most important ingredient of a homeopathic medicine.
  • Please always follow half an hour rule. If you want to take homeopathic medicines, keep this precaution in mind. You should not eat 30 minutes before and after taking the medicine.
  • Leave the addictions. This is one important precaution that you need to keep in mind. If you are following homeopathy, leave bad addictions like smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco or taking drugs.
  • Look at what you are eating. Homeopathy is all about the spirit that gradually cures the health problem. If you eat foods that have strong odour like garlic, ginger or raw onions, it can cut down the effect of the medicine. So, ask your homeopathic doctor on what to eat and what to avoid.
  • Possibly do not mix homeopathy with other medications. Allopathy and Ayurvedic medications should not mix up with homeopathy. If you are a heart patient or suffering from blood pressure, diabetes or epilepsy then consult your doctor before leaving any medication. Your doctor might advise you to take allopathic medicines with homeopathic ones. However, once you start accepting to the homeopathic treatment, your doctor can reduce the allopathic medication.
  • If you follow the half an hour rule strictly, you do not need to change your dietary supplements. Foods like garlic, ginger, onions and coffee can be consumed if you follow the strict rule of homeopathy.
  • According to many homeopathic doctors, you must not eat sour foods that has tamarind. Consult your doctor before opting for this medication. These are few precautions that you must follow if you are taking homeopathic medicines. Do you have more points to add to the list of precautions? Please click here to send us your query.

Monday 29 April 2013

Benefits of online consultation

Thanks to Internet and forgot the days when one had to visit the clinic personally for the treatment. Now, one can get in touch with an expert through online medium easily. The advent of technology has brought in significant changes in the communication sector and online consultation is one of the important innovations which is proving extremely beneficial for the patients all over the globe. Homeopathic treatments are now just a click away.

Benefits of Online Homoeopathic Consultation at a glance:
Easy Access: You Can Now Avail The Best Of Homoeopathy Sitting At Home Wherever In The World You May Be. Online Homoeopathic Consultation Gives You Easy Access To The Highly Specialized Services Of A Clinic Which Has Carved A Niche In Treating Complicated Spinal Troubles, As Well As Other Chronic And Acute Troubles, Through Classical Homoeopathy.
Prompt Relief: Forget All The Rumors, Myths, And Misconceptions You Might Have Heard About Homoeopathic Medicines Being Slow Acting, From People Without Any Factual Knowledge About The Healing Powers And Swiftness Of Homoeopathy. You Can Now Avail Our Expert Doctors' Services And Get Prompt Relief.
Zero Side Effects: The Worldwide Resurgence Of Homoeopathy Is Nothing But Phenomenal, The Only Reason For Such Widespread Surge In The Popularity Of This Great Healing Science Is The Fact That Homoeopathic Medicines, If Taken Properly, Do Not Produce Any Side Effects.
Extremely Economical: The Recurrent Courses Of Costly And Potentially Harmful Chemical / Conventional Medicines, Antibiotics, Frequent Diagnostic Tests, Hospitalizations Etc. Can Leave You Exhausted Physically And Financially; Homoeopathy, Comparatively, Is Much More Economical And As Easy On Your Pocket As Benign / (Free From Side Effects) For Your Health.
Low Convalescing Time: The Correct Homoeopathic Medicine, If Given Wisely, Is Perhaps The Fastest And Safest Healing Agent Discovered By Man. An Intensive And Humane Treatment By An Expert Homoeopath Can Bring You Back On Your Feet Much Faster, In Most Cases, Than In Any Other System Of Medicine.
Freedom From Hospitalization: By Opting For Online Homoeopathic Consultation And Treatment You Can Free Yourself From Frequent Hospitalization And Save Not Only Your Hard Earned Money But Also Great Discomfort And Inconvenience. And Also The Potential Risk Of Catching Other Infections From Fellow Patients In A Hospital.
Save Precious Man-Hours: Once You Become Familiar With The Great Convenience And Benefits Of The Facility Of Being Able To Contact Your Doctor At Any Time And From Anywhere You'll See How Reassuring It Is. You Can Now Consult Your Doctor From Your Office Sitting At Your Working Table. Instead Of Taking Sick- Leaves And Spending Precious Working Hours In Doctors' Waiting Chambers.
Ensure Peak Productivity Everytime: Being In The Pink Of Health Is Perhaps The Greatest Gift Anyone Can Expect From God. No Wonder Health Is Considered The Ultimate Wealth. Online Homoeopathy Gives You Round The Clock Access To Your Doctor(S) And Helps You Maintain The Best Of Health Most Of The Times. As The Proverb Says " A Stitch In Time Saves Nine!" A Timely Consultation And Advice From An Honest & Capable Doctor Can Keep Your Health On Track And Help You Enjoy Life As Well As Attain Your Dreams And Goals By Maintaining Peak Productivity In All You Endeavors. So Next Time You Feet That Backache Rising While Sitting In Your Office Chair Don't Panic And Plan For A Week Long Bedrest, Just Get In Touch With Us And Avail Phc's Expertise In Relieving Any Of Your Back / Spinal Troubles From Simple Backache To Osteoporosis To Slip Disc And More.
Say No To Just Symptomatic Relief: Our About A Decade Long Experience Of Treating Backache, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, & Complicated Spinal Cases Revealed How Much Suffering Is Caused By Over Drugging And The Common Habit Of Popping Painkillers, And Applying Over The Counter Pain Relieving Gels. All These Medicines Benumb Our Nerves And Sedate / Blind Our Brain To The Actual Trouble By Merely Shrouding The Symptoms, While The Actual Disease Keeps Spreading At An Even Faster Pace Unnoticed And Hence Unchecked By Our Brain & Defense System.
Eliminate Root Cause & Tone Up Constitution: Unlike The Above Mentioned Conventional And Widely Used Painkiller Drugs Homoeopathic Medicines Relieve The Pain Only By Provoking Our Defense System Into Action And Produce Antibodies Required To Fight The Actual Disease And Eliminate The Root Cause.
Zero Commuting Cost To & From Clinic & Chemist: Another Obvious Benefit Of Online Homoeopathic Consultation Is Freedom From The Chore Of Running To The Doctors / Clinics And Chemists. It Costs Only A Few Minutes Spent On Writing An E-Mail, Or A Brief Online Chat, Or A Mere Sms From Your Cell Phone To Your Doctor To Get An Instant Consultation And A Speedy Recovery.
Dr. Prajakta Jayaswal, founder of Drprajakta.in started Drprajakta's Homeo with an urge to cure the patients without any side effects. She is an experienced homeopath from India and has cured many patients in the span of 7 years.
Drprajakta.in is an online homeopathy consultation portal from Jaipur, Rajasthan(India) has started the methodology of online consultation for the benefits of the individuals who want to take homeopathic medicines to completely cure their ailments.
To register as a patient or to know more about our online treatment click here

Saturday 27 April 2013

Why you should choose online homeopathy treatment?

No Space barrier
The advent of computers and internet has now brought forth a wide scope for the patient to select his/her Doctor from any corner of the world. The choice is not limited by the area or town you live in. You can now easily opt for the best of the best; the distance and geography has crumbled. Anyone from any corner of the world can opt for our homeopathic treatment in India. You can reach the best of homeopathic doctor in India, even though you may be residing in some other country, you don`t need to travel any distance.
It saves your time
Whenever you visit a clinic, a lot of waiting time is required, repeated visits to the clinic are required; but when you take online services you can save a lot of your time. No more tedious travelling back and forth from the doctor`s clinic in maddening traffic. No more long, never-ending waiting room tortures. You save on the waiting time, travelling time and you get the service sitting in front of your computer.
At your convenience
You can give your history at your convenience. You don`t need to break your routine or take a leave from office to see a doctor. You can give your history even on holidays and also at late night at your convenient time as the online clinic is open 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week.
Saves money
It saves your travelling expenses; anyone can consult our qualified homeopaths from any part of the world through these online services at our minimum consultation charges. Another important thing to be noted is that Homeopathy considers all parts of your body collectively; we treat you as a whole and not just the body parts separately. So it saves you from running to 10 different specialists for every different complaint and thus it saves a lot of your time and money.
Physician is in his best frame of mind
The physician is more relaxed as he/she can analyze the case at any time of the day when its convenient for physician. Consultant can also give enough time needed for the case analysis without any pressure of time. And thus there are less chances of making mistakes.
Confidentiality is assured
There is no fear of your data being disclosed to anyone else since all your details will be used for treatment purpose only and will be kept 100% confidential.
Powerful communication system
A good communication is maintained between the patient and the physician by regular e-mail, chatting and video chatting whenever needed. Patient will be regularly reminded for the follow-up via e-mails.
You can manage your profile yourself
You can make changes in your profile and case history whenever you want and you don`t have to depend on anyone else for this. Our centralized & advanced data approach enable us for quick decision making and a real time consultation facility.
It is easy for you and most convenient tool
The best part about online treatment is that the entire process is extremely simple and easy to use. You can sign up for treatment at your own convenience without any hassles whatsoever and the medicines will be available for you at your door-step.
Dr. Prajakta Jayaswal, founder of Drprajakta.in started Drprajakta's Homeo with an urge to cure the patients without any side effects. She is an experienced homeopath from India and has cured many patients in the span of 7 years.

Myths-and-Facts about Homeopathy

1) Homoeopathy is useful only for the chronic conditions and has no role for acute ailments. Homoeopathy cures both chronic and acute ailments. In fact, an    acute disease becomes chronic only when its symptoms are   allowed to develop further. If homoeopathy can effectively cure chronic ailments then why can’t it cure acute illness? We have successfully treated acute illness like colds, infections, fevers, diarrhoea, cold, infections etc.
2) Homoeopathy is slow to act. Homoeopathic medicines act fast in acute illness like cold, infections, fever, diarrhoea etc. However it takes a little longer time for chronic ailments like chronic asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, kidney failure, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, etc. The time taken to heal varies depending upon one’s immune system , stress factors lifestyle, habits and personality, although the medicines start working instantly.
3) Homoeopathy is mere placebo effect. Research has proven that homoeopathy is much above placebo effect. In fact, In India, homoeopathic medicines undergo clinical trials conducted by the central council of Research in homoeopathy, the regulatory body for homoeopathic practices. As homoeopathic medicines also cure babies, infants and animals, the theory that they are placebos is invalid.
4) Homoeopathic medicine contains steroid. Homoeopathic medicines are made of natural ingredients like plants, minerals, etc. Especially the ones made out of plants generally contain ALKALOIDS which are much effective and free side effects (like excessive body hair, backache, etc.), unlike steroids.
5) Homoeopathic medicines are unsafe for pregnant women. Homoeopathy is ideal medicine for pregnant women .When regular medicines can have side-effects on both mother and child homoeopathic medicines are gentle and address problems like nausea, anaemia, backache, cramps, morning sickness, heartburn, diarrhoea, blood pressure, emotional stress, etc. which normally occurs during pregnancy. Also, since a tiny amount of active ingredient is used, homoeopathic medicines are safe for the growing baby.
6) Homoeopathy is not advisable for treating cancers, especially as a supplement to radiation and chemotherapy. The following factors make homoeopathy viable for treating cancer -Individualized remedies even if conventional treatment is not used. -Remedies easing conventional treatment. -Remedies soothing pain, fear of death and other psychological issues. -Remedies preventing relapses. Homoeopathy has proved to be successful in curing even the most severe cases, because it identifies the root cause (which varies from person to person) and uproots cancer totally.
7) Homoeopathy is practiced by quacks having no scientific or medical background. Homoeopathy is a full-fledge medical science, which requires thorough study before practice. In India, homoeopathy is a 5 ½ year degree course including 1- year compulsory internship. Subjects are the same as allopathic like anatomy, physiology, pathology, surgery, gynecology, medicine, along with the subjects of homoeopathic science. M.D.is a 3 years comprising subjects like Repertory, Materia Medica, Organon of medicine, Practice of Medicine etc. So it would be wrong to say homoeopathy is practiced by quacks having no scientific/medical background.
8) Homoeopathic medicines do have side effects. In some cases, there may be a slight aggravation of symptoms due to increase in potency. This subsides within sometime, as the potency is reduced. However , this does not happen in all cases. Aggravation of symptoms also depends upon one’s constitution and body-system. But, this does not come under side-effects: in fact, it is exteriorization of disease strengthening the immune system.
9) Foods like garlic, onion, coffee etc must be avoided. It is advised not to consume anything 15 minutes before and after taking medicines. Also it is better to rinse the mouth if it smells of onion, garlic, etc. otherwise, generally there is no need to avoid any foodstuffs during the treatment( this depend on the advice given by respective homoeopath).
10) Homoeopathy does not need any diagnosis or investigation. As a matter of fact diagnosis is of utmost importance For a Homoeopath as his sound knowledge of disease will help him differentiate between common symptoms of disease and the individualistic symptoms of person thus help him select the homoeopathic medicine on individualistic symptoms which is basis of homoeopathic prescription. Investigation is also very essential for the proper diagnosis of the disease. This helps in prognosis of the case.
11) All homoeopathic medicines are the same, small and white. The white sugar pills acts as vehicles or carriers for the medicines which are alcohol based. Otherwise the medicines can be taken directly or dissolved in water
12) Homoeopathy cannot cure fevers. Homoeopathy works excellently in treating fever. Historical records show how medical doctors over the last 200 years have used homeopathy to successfully treat scourges such as cholera, typhus, smallpox, and scarlet fever. Homeopathy is still used today different types epidemics in India. Much of the developed world, however, remains ignorant of its potential in this area
13) Sweet homoeopathic medicines should not be taken by diabetic patients Homoeopathic medicine can be safely taken by diabetics as they contain negligible amount of sugar which does not have any effect on the blood sugar levels. Sugar intake in the daily diet is in fact significantly higher than that taken by a few pills
14) Homoeopathy is a miraculous medicine. It can cure all the diseases Only people who want to fool you would Promise such a thing to you. Homoeopathy is not the ultimate medicine for all the ailments as a matter of fact there is nothing so ultimate in this universe. Every system has its limitations and it’s the same for homoeopathy.
15) Homoeopathy first aggravates the disease and then improves. It does not happen to all cases. But if medicine is repeated more than the need, or the potency chosen is higher than required by the patient then there is a medicinal aggravation or increase in the complaints, but these symptoms would subside on its own as soon as that medicine is withdrawn and the right potency medicine is to be administrated for getting the curative action
16) It is a must to take antibiotics during any infection It has seen by thousands of practitioners all over the world that homoeopathic medicines work beautifully in cases of bacterial, viral and fungal infections. However in cases where the infection is massively spread in the body and vitality is lost support of antibiotics with homoeopathic medicines is essential but it is only a homoeopath who can decide the best

Friday 26 April 2013

Skin Pigmentation and Homeopathy

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation is asymptomatic, that is without any symptoms however it can lead to severe psychological and emotional stress. The most common causes of hyper-pigmentation are exposure to the sun and pregnancy. During pregnancy due to hormonal changes the production of melanin can increase and cause dark patches to appear on skin known as chloasma. Irregular brown patches appear on the forehead, nose and cheeks.

Homeopathy and Skin Pigmentation

Homeopathy does not advocate the use of creams and lotions in skin disorders. It believes that skin disorders are a reflection of within and should be treated accordingly. Another strong belief that homeopathic treatment promulgate is that any appearance on the skin should not be suppressed with creams and lotions rather it should be cured internally as suppressing it with creams and lotions will result in systemic changes.

Visiting a trained homeopathic practitioner will take care of not just the skin pigmentation but it will also improve the general health of the patient. Homeopathic medicines not just treat the hormonal imbalance that is caused due to skin pigmentation but also control the excessive production of melanin. The texture of the skin also improves. The occurrences of new patches reduce and ultimately stop. The skin reverts to its normal stage without leaving any blemishes.

Our Skin Pigmentation Treatment Methodology

Drprajakta's Homeo is a clinic that has treated several cases of hyper-pigmentation. Dr. Prajakta is an experienced homeopath who is well known for treating those cases which have been termed by other medical professionals as incurable, has successfully treated many patients of hyper-pigmentation. Our aim is to provide complete satisfactory cure to our patients without any side effects.

13 Benefits of Homeopathy

There are many benefits of homeopathic medicine, including:

1. It can be used by pregnant and nursing women;

2. It can be used by children and infants;

3. It does not interfere with medications taken by a person;

4. If an incorrect remedy is selected, it is completely safe and will not harm the person at all;

5. Other than occasional, mild, and short-lived symptom aggravations which pass quickly and tend to be followed by improvements in the symptoms of a person, there are no side-effects of homeopathic remedies. This symptom aggravation is actually regarded by homeopaths as a sign that the correct homeopathic remedy has been selected and usually results in symptom improvements;

6. It can be used for chronic or acute conditions;

7. It is an individualized system of medicine which treats the person, not merely the symptoms. The symptoms, however, are addressed when using this approach and are typically improved;

8. Homeopathy is a holistic approach to healing: one that involves the body, mind, emotions, and spirit of the person being treated;

9. Homeopathic remedies are readily available and can, therefore, be used by anyone;

10. Homeopathic remedies are typically inexpensive and therefore provide an affordable approach to healing;

11. Homeopathic remedies can be stored for long periods of time;

12. Homeopathic medicine is non-invasive; and

13. There are many studies proving the effectiveness of homeopathy, when used correctly.

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine developed by

That is the basic premise of homeopathy: “like cures like.”  It may seem hard to believe, yet the approach to vaccination used in Western medicine is a similar one, albeit one that is fraught with potential side effects, unlike homeopathy which is completely safe.

Homeopathy is a natural, holistic, approach to healing a person, using minute doses of specific remedies, rather than simply eliminating a particular symptom using a Band-Aid approach.  Unlike many health models, the model for homeopathy is one of individualization.  No two people are alike, so just because two people suffer from headaches, the homeopathic remedies provided for them may be completely different.

You can also understand about Homeopathy in following points...

Inner Power and Harmony
Homeopathy is a Medical science based on the well proven premise that the body has its own power to heal. A healthy body is like well oiled machinery where every part and organ of the body works in harmony. There is an amazing cohesive harmony among the body parts and organs.

Whenever there is some significant mental stress or shock and/or some physical affliction such as viral infection or some physical injury, this disrupts the harmony of the body and the instability and imbalance is expressed in the form of symptoms.
Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician in the early 1800s.  He discovered that the same substance that could cause a reaction in a healthy person could also be a remedy for someone suffering from similar symptoms.

The Doctor within
We have a Doctor within ourselves; we all know that in case of indispositions or minute affections, these are very well taken care of by our body. For e.g. when we get a small cut on our finger, it bleeds, later it stops bleeding! The blood clots and we don't need any medical help for this small wound to heal. On the other hand, if the wound is very big, then it needs an external aid like some stitches or medications that help our body to heal. In the same way, a broken bone when set right, heals on its own without any medications. We have a doctor within ourselves which guides and heals our body during illness. In this context, we are aware of the fighting force of white blood corpuscles that guard our body against external afflictions.

Need of extra healing power
When the disrupting cause is stronger, the relative disturbance caused to the human system is significant and then body cannot manage to recover on its own and sickness surfaces in the form of sign and symptoms. Here, our body needs an external force which will aid the body mechanism to recover and homeopathy exactly does that; it strengthens the immune system (that guards our body) and helps the system to fight back the disease and recover faster.

Homeopathy is the only medical science that works on the principle that our body constantly makes effort to maintain and re-establish the internal stability. So when the body is in a state of sickness, Homeopathic medicines gently provide stimulation to the immune system of our body and help to fight the disease out of our body. This reversal to the healthy state is known as cure.

Going to the root of the trouble
Homeopathy treats you as an individual and not just your diseased parts independently. Unlike other medical sciences, homeopathy does not treat on the name of the disease but it looks for the cause, the root of the disease. When the cause is removed, the disease automatically gets cured.

Gentle cure with natural medicines
Homeopathy cures gently and permanently with natural medicines. All Homeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally occurring substances – plant kingdom, mineral kingdom and animal kingdom.

These medicines are well proven on healthy human beings; hence there are no chances of having any side effects. More then 3000 homeopathic medicines are in use and new homeopathic medicines are researched and proved regularly and no side effects have been reported till date. The reason being that the homeopathic prescription is based on law of minimum dose, the medicine prescribed is in the minimum dose enough to bring about cure.

Homeopathy is a science of tomorrow (future available today) where it corrects the internal derangement from the roots.

Future of homeopathy

In present people are getting aware of the suppression's of the disease and drug related complications, either they have or their relatives or friends have suffered a lot because of the suppression of the disease. Thus now people are looking for a new line of treatment which cures gently and without suppressing the disease.

Homeopathy precisely does that. It cures without suppressing. The awareness about Homeopathy is spreading rapidly and more and more people are now opting for this therapy. Many myths regarding this science are now cleared and people now resort to homeopathic medicines for treatment for many more diseases, be it acute or chronic in nature.

The holistic approach, the safe, rapid, gentle and permanent cure is provided by homeopathy, prompting people to choose this medical science. This makes Homeopathy a medical science of coming centuries – a future available today.
More then 3000 homeopathic medicines are in use and new homeopathic medicines are researched and proved regularly.

In 200 years none of the homeopathic medicines are banned as it does not have conventional aggravations or side effects. As most of the medicines are prepared from natural substances and the quantity of medicine required is negligible. Where as many allopathic medicines are band year after year as they proved to have many side effects on the human beings. Also Homeopathic medicines don`t have any expiry date.